Austin Healey 100S Register


Joe Jarick, Australia, who had a close relationship with DMH, Geoff Healey and the factory, initially created this register. At a later stage it was taken over by Ken Freese, USA, ex owner of a 100S, who administered it for many years. Ken Freese transferred the rights to manage the register in 2011 to the Scuderia-Cento-S. Our aim is complete the register under the direction of the most knowledgeable 100S expert Joe Jarick, Australia, who has the biggest archive on 100S. Below is the register of present owners of originally built 100S. Joe Jarick is working on a complete register with much more details of each car and will be displayed on this site at a later date.

100S Register_August 2024.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 79.2 KB

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